NWGN Position Paper: Animal-sourced foods in low- and middle-income countries

In 2023 and 2024, one of the focus areas of discussions within the NWGN platform was the nexus between climate change and sustainable healthy diets with a focus on animal-sourced foods (ASFs), reflecting the protein transition discussion in the Netherlands, while realising that this transition to a more plant-based protein diet might not be appropriate for the contexts in LMICs.

In March 2024, the NWGN and the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) organised a climate and nutrition event “Operationalizing sustainable healthy diets in the context of climate change” which looked at ASFs as part of sustainable healthy diets in LMICs – respective event report can be found here. It allowed experts, NWGN members and stakeholders to discuss the topic and NWGN to develop a position paper providing NWGN members and related stakeholders with guidance on the production and consumption of ASFs.

The final version of this position paper was presented during the World Food Day event in October 2024, co-hosted by NFP, and discussed with a diverse group of experts and stakeholders – the blog can be found here.

With this position paper the NWGN, and Clim-Eat aim to stimulate dialogue on the consumption of ASFs in LMICs within the Dutch government at large, within the ministries and embassies as well as among our members and partners. The aim is that these dialogues will translate into policies and programmes, diplomacy and facilitation and will enable partners in the Netherlands and LMICs to take a stand that addresses the nutritional needs of vulnerable people while also considering climate change.

Click here to access the NWGN position paper.


Photo credits: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)