Lessons learned from Dutch PPP’s on Food and Nutrition Security: A compilation of experiences and lessons of Dutch PPP’s addressing food and nutrition challenges
In 2021, the NWGN asked the Partnerships Resource Centre at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, to conduct a systematic evaluation of Dutch experiences and learnings in working in Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s) addressing Food and Nutrition Security.
Through a comparison of the instruments of a diverse range of partnerships and interviews with experts, specific topics including inclusion of nutrition, complexity, inclusiveness of target groups and sustainability of the PPP’s, were investigated. The evaluation was complemented with a literature review.
The key insights of this evaluation can be used to stimulate learning and help stakeholders to work more effectively in PPP’s. As a follow-up, the NWGN is planning a new activity in 2022 to bring together learnings of this study with that of other evaluations of PPP’s with specific outcomes on nutrition.
Please find the report here: Lessons learned from Dutch PPP’s on Food and Nutrition Security
Photo credits: UNICEF/UN0446554/Bashizi