Workshop: Can agriculture value chain projects achieve nutrition outcomes?

By 25 October 2019Events, Past events

Yes, certainly! We will help project owners of FDOV and SDGP how during workshops hosted by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency in November 2019.

The Netherlands’ food and nutrition security policy contributes to the objectives of SDG 2: eliminating malnutrition, doubling the productivity and income of small-scale farmers (both women and men) and making food production systems more sustainable. Via the Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security (FDOV) and SDG Partnership facility (SDGP) the Netherlands Enterprise Agency supports partnerships between government, businesses, NGOs and/or knowledge centres to contribute to these objectives.

These partnerships focus on inclusive value chain development, centered around one or more viable business cases for private sector actors.  At the same time these partnerships aim to improve the productivity or quality of a certain (export) crops, improve income of smallholder farmers and/or increase the local quality, availability and affordability of certain food crops.

These projects offer opportunities to also contribute to nutrition outcomes if certain aspects in the project design, implementation and evaluation are considered.

During a webinar and workshops we will elaborate how this can be done and which methods, tools  and guidance documents are available to project owners. We have summarised these tools here.

–> Please download the workshop pamphlet here <–

Workshop details:

All the dates, times, and locations can be found below:


Consultation session
Description: Project owners can get tailored advice for their own project from nutrition experts.
Participation in one of the webinars or workshop is required.
Location: online
Date: 2-13 Dec (time and date to be agreed in mutual consultation)


Past event: Webinars
Description: One hour overview to tools and methods available to make agriculture more nutrition sensitive.
Dates and time:
Monday, 25 November 2019, 16:00 – 17:00: go to recording
Thursday 28 November 2019, 9:30 – 10:30: go to recording
Link: Webinar PowerPoint Presentation


Past event: Workshop – 26 November
Description: 3 hour workshop – Can your project achieve nutrition outcomes?
Date: 26 November
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Location: Utrecht (exact location TBC after registration)
Link: Workshop PowerPoint Presentation.


Past event: Closed workshop – 28 October
Description: At Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Date: 28 October
Time: Afternoon
Location: The Hague
Links: General Workshop PowerPoint Presentation and Monitoring & Evaluation PowerPoint Presentation


–> Please download the workshop pamphlet here <–